Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Behavior and Appearance Changes in your pet.....
Dog health changes can show up through differences in
his appearance and/or behaviors to show things are
not "as they should be". Cutes that signify changes in
animals can catch potential health problems early....

                                                          Stoney January 2013

Skin Problems

Your dog’s skin is an indication of her overall health. When a skin problem occurs, your dog may respond with excessive scratching, chewing and/or licking. A wide range of causes—including external parasites, infections, allergies, metabolic problems and stress, or a combination of these—may be affecting your dog’s skin.

What Are Some Symptoms of Skin Problems in Dogs?

Scratching, licking or chewing at skin
Redness or inflammation
Hot spots (one particular area where itching is intense)
Round, scaly patches on the face and paws
Dry, flaky or otherwise irritated skin
Hair loss, bald patches
Drainage of blood or pus
Swellings, lumps or skin discoloration
Rubbing face against furniture or carpeting

What Might Cause My Dog to Have Skin Problems?

One of the following may be causing an abnormality with your dog’s skin and should be investigated:
Fleas: Bites and droppings from these pesky insects can irritate your dog’s skin, and some pets can have an allergic response to the saliva following a bite. Some dogs may also be sensitive to flea-treatment products; certain flea collars, for example, may cause redness and irritation around the neck.
Ringworm: This highly contagious fungal infection can result in inflammation, scaly patches and hair loss. You’ll want to treat it immediately to avoid other pets and people in the household from becoming infected.
Parasites, such as ear mites and lice
Seasonal allergies: Your dog’s scratching may be due to her sensitivity to allergens from common substances like pollen, weeds, dust, mites, trees, mold or grasses.
Food allergies: Many dogs develop allergies to common ingredients in dog foods, such as beef, chicken, wheat, corn or soy. Even fillers and colorings can be seen as foreign by your dog’s immune system and lead to itching and rashes.
Skin infections: Dogs can develop irritating bacterial or yeast infections when the skin is damaged due to the presence of another skin disorder.
Sarcoptic mange: This skin disease caused by infection from the Sarcoptes scabei mite results in extreme itching and skin inflammation similar to an allergic response.
Grooming products: Certain shampoos and grooming products can irritate your dog’s skin. Be sure to only use grooming products that are meant for use on dogs.
Stress or boredom: A dog may lick her skin (especially her legs) excessively for many reasons. Some lick when not given adequate opportunity for activity or mental stimulation.
Metabolic or hormonal problems: Several common hormonal problems can cause change in skin color, coat consistency, thickness and distribution.
Seasonal changes: Many dogs, like people, get dry, flaky skin in the winter.

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